Sunday, May 5, 2013

Elizabeth Crook Panting

Elizabeth Crook Panting sailed alone to America on the ship “Thornton” with 2 young children as her husband did not make the journey. He was against the Mormons and had threatened to kill his wife if she didn't stay away from the Mormons. He finally got so mean; she took her two children and left him. The small family joined up with the Willie Handcart Company where there may have been a couple of Elizabeth’s relatives traveling with them.  While they were traveling to Zion, Elizabeth pulled her two young children, her one year old daughter was very ill,  Elizabeth would ask her older son Christopher to check and see if Jane was dead yet.

On October 14, Elizabeth went out to gather some buffalo chips, she had almost filled her apron, when a man came up-seemly out of nowhere-she told the man that her group was starving, the man told her to follow him, and she dropped the chips out of her apron. The man led her to a cave where a lot of dried buffalo meat was hanging, there were shelves of books on one side of the cave that looked like the Book of Mormon gold plates. She said they looked as if they were sealed. The man loaded up her apron with as much meat as she could carry. She left the cave, and as she looked back the man and the cave were gone. She went back to camp and shared the meat to the ones that were in the most need, no doubt saving lives.

Elizabeth and her two young children arrived safely in the Salt Lake Valley.

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